Compliance and Improvement Monitoring
The CIM is a multi- year process and the CDE recognizes that meaningful improvement likely does noe occur in a short period of time and requires substantial focus on areas in need of improvement to effect positive outcomes for students with disabilities.
The CIM process is a series of steps and activities which identify LEAs that need assistance and address the identified problems of practice.
The Special Education monitoring framework uses a tiered system that differentiates the level of monitoring and technical assistance supports for each local educational agency (LEA) based on data analyses and to determine the LEA’s need for support and intervention. At the core of the monitoring framework is the Compliance and Improvement Monitoring (CIM) process. LEAs in Targeted or Intensive Monitoring Levels for performance are required to participate in and complete the CIM process as part of their ongoing, annual monitoring activity.
The CIM process steps
The CIM process is a series of steps and activities which identify LEAs that need assistance with correction, improvement, and the development of an integrated action plan to address the identified problems of practice. CIM is designed to ensure that LEAs, with differentiated levels of involvement and review, examine a wide-range of both compliance and performance data and identify the root causes of areas of concern so that an effective improvement action plan can be developed and implemented.
Select the level of monitoring and the step you’d like access resources for below
An LEA identified as Targeted Level 1 or 2 in the Annual Determination Letter is required to participate in all three steps of the Compliance and Improvement Monitoring (CIM) process, with activities conducted independently with special education local plan area (SELPA) support. By the end of the 2023 monitoring period, the LEA is required to have a fully developed improvement plan that seeks to implement high-leverage activities which will improve outcomes for students with disabilities in the areas identified by the Annual Determination Letter.
If you have been identified as Intensive Levels 1-3 in your Annual Determination Letter, you are required to participate in all three steps of the CIM process.
The goal at the end of the monitoring period is to have a fully developed improvement plan that seeks to implement a high-leverage activity or activities that will improve outcomes for students with disabilities in the LEA.
For more information please visit SPP-TAP
Disciplinary Action (Suspension and Expulsion)
Placement: More Restrictive Environments
Indicator 9: Special Education in General
Indicator 10: Special Education within a Specific Disability Category
Use the tools below and access the monitoring level that better fit your needs
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