School Climate and Positive Behavior Supports
Discover resources to support creating and maintaining caring, respectful, and culturally responsive learning environments.
SEL and EBPs for Autism Infographic
This infographic depicts how EBPs for Autism can be implemented to support learners with Autism access to the CASEL 5 interrelated areas of social emotional competence.
Addressing Racial Inequities in Education Using Equity-Driven Continuous Improvement
This paper explores the conditions and capacities required in County Offices of Education to integrate these two, often separate lines of work and provides examples of some COEs that are engaged in promising practices.
Collaborative Learning Solutions SEL Lessons
This website houses ready made lessons aimed to support students with social emotional learning and positive behavior support strategies. Lessons include instructions, resources, and activities for elementary and secondary teachers.
Social Skills Training for Individuals with Autism
This AFIRM Evidence Based Practice (EBP) Brief is designed to help you learn the step-by-step process of planning for, using, and monitoring the EBP of Social Skills Training with learners with Autism.
Social-emotional Behavior competencies
This website provides an On-Demand professional learning series on how to effectively assess and support student social-emotional behavior skills. The SEB academy video series is presented by top experts in the field, to grow your knowledge of SEB, and learn how to equitably assess students’ skills, and get advice on leveraging SEB to support academic success.
Task Analysis for Individuals with Autism
This AFIRM Evidence Based Practice (EBP) Brief is designed to help you learn the step-by-step process of planning for, using, and monitoring the EBP of Self-Management with learners with Autism.
California PBIS Coalition
This is the website for the California PBIS Coalition (CPC), which is a collaborative organization using evidence-based, culturally relevant practices to build the capacity for all stakeholders in the implementation of PBIS as a multi-tiered system following the National PBIS Blueprints for professional development, implementation, and evaluation.
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